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A range of courses to support teaching staff with exploring and developing their school's curriculum.

Subject Leader Network: DT

A full day session, aimed at DT subject leaders or teachers who would like to access specialist input in the practical aspects of the DT curriculum. Participants should expect to be hands on and practical with a focus on painting, thinking about difference and diversity. 

The sessions will be led by Caroline Walshaw, Specialist Leader in Education for DT in Devon schools.  

‘Caroline Walshaw trained as a Primary School teacher with a specialism in Design & Technology and has been a D&T subject leader for most of her 20 year career. She is immensely passionate about the benefits of Design & Technology education, from the Early Years onwards. She is also committed to providing high quality CPD to support all teachers and schools to deliver an excellent Design & Technology curriculum. Caroline has led many well received CPD sessions within schools, both in person and online, and has been training ITT students on the DPSCITT for 5 years now.  As a teacher and senior leader, Caroline understands completely what life in school is like and believes in training that has an immediate, practical and purposeful impact.’  The impact on your children’s understanding and developing number sense.  Take place online as staff will be given time to go away during the session and try out the materials with their class. 

Contact: Claire Hepher

Target Audience: DT Subject Leaders

Career Pathway: 3,4,5

Cost: Free toTrust Staff and Maintained Schools, other Academies £50 per person

Thu 14 Nov 24 Kenn Centre 9:15 - 16:00 Book


Subject Leaders Network: Art

A full day session, aimed at Art subject leaders or teachers who would like to access specialist input in the practical aspects of the Art curriculum.

Participants should expect to be hands on and practical with a focus on painting, thinking about difference and diversity. 
The sessions will be led by Nic George, Specialist Leader in Education for Art in Devon schools.  


Contact: Claire Hepher

Target Audience: Art Leaders

Career Pathway: 3,4,5

Cost: Free toTrust Staff and Maintained Schools, other Academies £50 per person

Thu 24 Apr 25 Kenn Centre 09:15 - 16:00 Book


Subject Leader Network: English

St Christopher’s Trust, in conjunction with the Devon English Team, is offering a termly briefing for English leads.

The English advisory team have a strong reputation locally and nationally for their work in English.  

Subject leaders will have access to cutting edge thinking and research, as well as guidance on managing their subject leadership role. They will be updated on national and local developments in their relevant curriculum area. 

Contact: Sean Millar

Audience: Leaders of English

Career Pathway: 3,4,5

Cost: Free toTrust Staff and Maintained Schools, other Academies £50 per person

08 Nov 24 Kenn  09:00 - 12:00 Book
15 Nov 24 Old Priory 09:00 - 12:00 Book
27 Feb 25 Old Priory 09:00 - 16:00 Book
05 Jun 25 Kenn 13:00 - 16:00 Book
06 Jun 25 Old Priory 09:00 - 12:00 Book

Subject Leader Network: Maths

St Christopher’s Trust Maths Leadership networks are an opportunity to keep up to date with the latest thinking and developments in maths and network with colleagues. Maths briefings will be led by Sam Marker, Trust Maths lead.  

Subject leaders will have access to cutting edge thinking and research, as well as guidance on managing their subject leadership role. They will be updated on national and local developments in their relevant curriculum area and these events will also focus on developing a shared understanding of high-quality maths teaching and looking at teaching in action. 

For all 4 sets of dates, there are repeated sessions in Exeter and Plymouth for you to choose the most convenient location.  

Contact: Sam Marker

Audience: Leaders of maths

Career Pathway: 3,4,5

Cost: Free toTrust Staff and Maintained Schools, other Academies £50 per person

Meeting 1

11 Nov 2024 Old Priory, Plympton 13:00 - 16:00 Book
18 Nov 2024 St Leonard's, Exeter 13:00 - 16:00 Book


Meeting 2

09 Jan 2025 Kenn Centre 09:15 - 16:00 Book
16 Jan 2025  St Matthew's 13:00 - 16:00 Book


Meeting 3

13 Mar 2025 Old Priory, Plympton 09:00 - 12:00 Book
20 Mar 2025 Kenn Centre 09:00 - 12:00 Book


Meeting 4

19 Jun 2025 Old Priory, Plympton 13:00 - 16:00 Book
26 Jun 2025 Kenn Centre 13:00 - 16:00 Book

Subject Leader Network: Science

Our network meeting for Science ensure subject leaders have access to up to date thinking and research. Our network will take place during the year with one full day of face to face training in the Spring term.

Allie Beaumont is an independent primary science consultant who has extensive knowledge and experience of working within primary schools. She was a primary school teacher for 20 years and has led the Primary Professional Learning Department for STEM Learning within Bristol, supporting primary science teachers throughout the Southwest. More recently, she has worked with Bath Spa University on the Thinking, Doing, Talking Science project based on research from Oxford Brookes University and Science Oxford and also the Focus4TAPS research project led by Bath Spa University. She has also provided CPD for the Ogden Trust facilitating their Talk for Science EYFS CPD partnership programme. She currently holds the senior facilitator CPD quality mark badge for STEM learning. 

Contact: Claire Hepher

Audience: Science Teachers

Career Pathway: 3,4,5

Cost: Free toTrust Staff and Maintained Schools, other Academies £50 per person

Thu 13 Feb 2025 Kenn Centre 09:15 - 16:00 Book


Subject Leader Network: Humanities

We are delighted that David Weatherly will be continuing to inspire us this year, working with our humanities leads to develop the fieldwork aspects of our geography curriculum.  This will involve us applying our fieldwork skills whilst exploring Dartmoor with David and an experienced ranger, Orlando Rutter. 

Alongside Sheena Wright, David will also deliver a day of training focused upon the development of humanities within the early years. This will provide a valuable opportunity for early years and humanities leads to access high quality training together, to strengthen the quality of teaching and learning in history and geography in their schools. 

Contact: Sian Lane

Audience: Humanities Leads

Career Pathway: 3,4,5

Cost: Free toTrust Staff and Maintained Schools, other Academies £50 per person

26 Feb 2025 Kenn Centre 09:15 - 16:00 Book

Mastering Numbers In Action

Sam Marker will be leading a morning of observation and discussion around excellent delivery of the NCETM Mastering Number sequences. This is an opportunity to share good practise and learn from trust colleagues around the content of the Mastering Number sessions, and the pedagogy which underpins it.  

Contact: Sam Marker

Audience: Maths Leads, Reception, Yrs 1 and 2 Teachers

Career Pathway: 3,4,5

Cost: Free toTrust Staff and Maintained Schools, other Academies £50 per person

05/12/2024 St Matthew's, Plymouth 9:00 - 12:00 Book

Teaching Sequences

Are you new to using Book Writes Sequences for Writing (previously Babcock Sequences)? Or are you a teacher who would like to refresh your understanding of how to plan, using the writing sequence approach?  

These two half day sessions will cover both the theoretical principles that underpin the sequences and provide an opportunity to plan (with support from an English adviser) a sequence of learning and evaluate the impact on pupils’ writing. Participants will need to attend both half day sessions. 

Contact: Sean Millar

Audience: English Teachers

Career Pathway: 3,4,5

Cost: Free toTrust Staff and Maintained Schools, other Academies £50 per person

Mon 23 Sep 2024 Online 13:00 - 16:00 Book
Tue 22 Oct 2024 Online 13:00 - 16:00 Book

Vocabulary Project Days

Contact:Sian Lane

Audience: Teachers  

Career Pathway: 3,4,5

Cost: Free toTrust Staff and Maintained Schools, other Academies £50 per person

17 Oct 2024 Kenn Centre 09:00 - 16:00 Book
19 Nov 2024 Old Priory, Plympton 09:00 - 16:00 Book
20 Mar 2025 Kenn Centre 09:00 - 16:00 Book

Book Writes Training

Are you new to Book writes? Or would you like some top up training?

These two half day sessions will take place remotely and will provide a good overview of the Book Writes sequences and how to adapt them for your pupils.

They will be practical sessions where you will be planning a unit of work for your class, support by colleagues and the English Advisor for Devon.

Contact: Sean Millar

Audience: Leaders of English

Career Pathway: 3,4,5

Cost: Free toTrust Staff and Maintained Schools, other Academies £50 per person

23 Sep 24 Online 13:00 - 16:00 Book
22 Oct 24 Online 13:00 - 16:00 Book

SIAMS & RE Leadership Development

A half termly online opportunity for RE, SIAMs or senior leaders to meet, share good practice and develop understanding of the SIAMs framework. Delievered by Nikki Prentice our Christian Distinctiveness Lead and Kate Gwadzyn and Marc Wheeler who have both had very successful SIAMs outcomes in their schools this year. We aim to give updates, give clarity to the framework and share great ideas. 

Contact: Nikki Prentice

Audience: Headteachers, RE and SIAMS Leaders, Governors

Career Pathway: 3,4,5

Cost: Free to Trust Staff

19 Sep 2024 Online 15:45 - 17:00 Book
21 Nov 2024 Online 15:45 - 17:00 Book
23 Jan 2025 Online 15:45 - 17:00 Book
03 Apr 2025 Online 15:45 - 17:00 Book
15 May 2025 Online 15:45 - 17:00 Book
03 July 2025 Online 15:45 - 17:00 Book

Diocesan led RE Leaders' Update

Contact: Nikki Prentice

Audience: RE Leaders

Career Pathway: 3,4,5

Cost: Free to Trust Staff

12 Nov 2024 Old Priory , Plympton 09:20 - 12:30 Book

Phonics Network

Contact: Mel Johns

Target Audience: Teachers

Career Pathway: 3,4,5

Cost: Free toTrust Staff and Maintained Schools, other Academies £50 per person

Thu 12 Sep 2024 Online 15:45 - 16:30 Book
Thu 16 Jan 2025 Online 15:45 - 16:30 Book
Thu 01 May 2025 Online 15:45 - 16:30 Book

Maths Y5 Collaborative Lesson Study Model

An opportunity for Y5 teachers to collaborate in small groups, visiting a local school and observing a Maths lesson together with plentiful opportunities for discussion and reflection to develop teacher subject knowledge and masterful practice.

Contact: Sam Marker

Target Audience: Maths Leads

Career Pathway: 3,4,5

Cost: Free toTrust Staff and Maintained Schools, other Academies £50 per person

Collaborative Lesson Study 1

21 Nov 2024 Old Priory, Plympton 09:00 - 12:00 Book
28 Nov 2024 St Leonard's, Exeter 09:00 - 12:00 Book

Collaborative Lesson Study 2

Thu 23 Jan 2025 Exeter School TBC 09:00 - 12:00  
Thu 30 Jan 2025 Plymouth School TBC 09:00 - 12:00  

Collaborative Lesson Study 3

Thu 05 Jun 2025 Plymouth School TBC 09:00 - 12:00  
Thu 12 Jun 2025 Exeter School TBC 09:00 - 12:00  


Year 6 Excellence in Attainment Programme

Programme Intention:

To ensure that Y6 teachers share excellent practice in maximising attainment in core subjects for all pupils, particularly focusing on those who not yet at ARE but are able to achieve ARE by the end of KS2.  This group will ensure targeted support and teaching is as effective as possible in boosting attainment for pupils in Year 6.  Through collaboration and sharing good practice, Year 6 teachers will develop a wide range of techniques and practices to ensure maximum progress across pupils final year in KS2.

Attending : Teacher from USJ, AXM, SPE, PET, MIC, MRY, LSJ, MTW, TID

Contact: Chris Briggs

Target Audience: Year 6 Teachers

Career Pathway: 3,4,5

Cost: Free toTrust Staff and Maintained Schools, other Academies £50 per person


Session 1 - Part 1: Accurate diagnosis of need, gaps, and assessment.

  • How do we know who ‘can’ make it this year to ARE in all subjects?  Sense of Urgency.
  • Who are the children and what are the gaps?
  • ARE right here, right now  - Where are we now, and what is our target for the end of the year?

For each child:

  • Which subject?  How big is the gap?  What is the gap within the subject?  Any learning needs/ plans?
  • SS 89+  Progress? Attainment?
  • End of September – Assessment data, QLA, consider what are the gaps?

SESSION 1 - Part 2: Planning for success

  • What are our resources? 
  • What time do we have?  What time or resource do we need?
  • What technology can support us?  What expertise is needed?
  • What is our approach parents (meetings in September)?  How do we get Secondary ready?
  • How will pupils learn the content and the test strategy?
  • How will we unlock the latent learning?  
  • What language or testing vocab/language is needed?
26 Sep 2024 Online 14:00 - 16:00 Book

Note - Exemplar:   Charlotte Sluman to share approach.  (formats to be shared)


SESSION 2 – Up and  Running 

  • Each member describes current picture for attainment from the work in session 1. How many pupils are targeted, what is the end of year target for each subject?
  • Each member describes the provision in place to meet the attainment profile.  What boosters, pre/post-teach, curriculum enhancements, adaptive approaches, technology deployment, parent engagement, testing strategy approaches are in place?
  • Review foci and plan actions for remainder of autumn term
24 Oct 2024 Online 15:30 - 16:30 Book

SESSION 3  Data and Impact – End of Autumn Term

  • What is the data telling us now?  QLA?   What impact has the Y6 focus activity had on pupils?
  • Planning for the Spring Term.
  • Testing support/ profile – who is emerging as needing test adjustments
  • What language around testing is or is not secure?
  • What resources are now needed to be deployed to the year group?
  • What has been successful and unsuccessful?
11 Dec 2024 Online 15:30 - 16:30 Book

SESSION 4  -  Gearing Up

Refining the focus group – who still needs what?

  • What approaches are we taking with ‘stuck’ children? What might need to change?
  • Is any Trust level support needed?  Or LP support in any area?
  • Individual conferencing -  is our parent approach escalating for stuck children? 
  • Group problem solving – share at least one example of a stuck child.
30 Jan 2025 Online 15:30 - 16:30 Book

SESSION 5 – Preparing for Success, Emotional support

  • Final arrangements for testing
  • Home learning over Easter
  • Intensive support for children.
  • Data analysis and support
  • Dry run for pupils, emotional support if needed.
  • Access arrangements for tests
03 Apr 2025 Online 15:30 - 16:30 Book

SESSION 6 – Final countdown

  • Testing week strategy – how do we relax and incentivise?
  • Protocols – who knows what?  Moderation overview?
  • Troubleshooting
  • Procedures for absence.
01 May 2025 Online 15:30 - 16:30 Book

SESSION 7  - Final Review and Celebrate Success

  • Review successes, consider challenges
  • Celebrate and plan for coming year so far as possible
  • Gap analysis – planning for Year 5
10 July 2025 Online 14:00 - 16:00 Book