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Company Information

St Christopher's Multi Academy Trust (MAT) Company Number 08538844

The Trust was established in May 2013 and is a company limited by guarantee and an exempt charity registered in England and Wales

The Trust incorporates twenty one schools.  It is governed by a Board of Trustees comprising Directors and charitable trustees.

Our Governance Arrangements

Our Constitution

Like all Trusts, we are governed by our Articles of Association and the Funding Agreements entered into with the Secretary of State. Copies of the Memorandum of Association, Articles & Funding agreements can be viewed below:

Document Title Date Download
Trust Funding Agreement 21st Jul 2023 Download
Memorandum of Association 21st Jul 2023 Download
Articles of Association 21st Jul 2023 Download

Funding Agreements

In addition to the above, each school has a supplemental funding agreement. These can be viewed by visiting the below page:

School Funding Agreements 

Financial Management

We are committed to effective and transparent financial management and take all necessary steps to ensure we comply fully with our obligations under the Academies Financial Handbook.

Annual Reports, Financial Statements & Executive Pay

Gender Pay Gap Report

St Christopher’s CofE (Primary) Multi Academy Trust (the Trust) is committed to the principle of equal opportunities and equal treatment for all employees. Employers with more than 250 employees must publish and report specific figures about their gender pay gap.

Gender Pay Gap Report 2023

Service Level Agreements

St Christopher's Multi Academy Trust procures services on behalf of all schools as part of their offer.  A list of all the shared services provided can be found in the Trust Service Level Agreement (SLA) Brochure.

Trust SLA Brochure 2024-25


Whistleblowing is the reporting of suspected wrongdoing or dangers in relation to our activities.

This includes bribery, fraud or other criminal activity, miscarriages of justice, health and safety risks, safeguarding risks, damage to the environment and any breach of legal or professional obligations.  

St Christopher's Multi-Academy-Trust is committed to providing education and all our services, with honesty and integrity.  This policy is to encourage anyone with concerns about any aspects of our work to come forward to express their concerns and to set out how the Trust will respond.

Our Policy on Whsitleblowing can be found on the Trust Policies Page here