Congratulations to Beer Primary School for their well deserved Ofsted 'outstanding' in early years and an overall 'good' grading.
The report states: “Pupils enjoy learning a range of subjects. Pupils are curious about the world around them. They have many opportunities to talk about their ideas. The school provides a safe, harmonious environment for pupils to express their views.
“Through the curriculum, pupils learn how to be respectful and kind. The school prepares pupils well to be valued citizens of modern Britain. Children in the Reception class learn the routines of school very well. They share, take turns and forge strong relationships. Pupils are motivated to learn the exciting curriculum that the school has created. As a result, pupils behave well, both in class and around the school. Pupils state that bullying is rare, but that staff resolve it if it occurs.
Read more about the report and how Beer Primary is shining light in their seaside community in the following article in the Devon press.